New Sage Rod and Skwala Updated!

New Sage Rod and Skwala Updated!

Posted by Jeff Gray on

On April 5th Sage is launching their new fly rod called the R8. When our good friend and Sage Sales rep, Kurt Kruger, left a 9’ #5 rod at the shop a few days ago for us to fish, I was overly excited to get it on the water. I immediately called up a couple buddies to take it for a test drive. We spent the next 4 hours feeding medium sized dry flies to hungry trout. All of our expectations were exceeded. To sum it up, It’s an easy casting rod that has the backbone to turn larger fish, with the finesse to present small bugs at close range. Stop by the shop and cast one for yourself, you won’t be disappointed. 
We are in the heart of the Skwala hatch. First week of April is usually some of the best dry fly fishing we’ll see all spring. This year it’ll be hard to match the crazy dry fly fishing we had this year in mid to late March. We’re off to a pretty good start though. The flows have leveled off from our recent warm spell and the foreseeable future looks to be ripe for Skwala fishing, warm(ish) days and cold nights. The river has been busy for sure. But with the elevated flows it’s easy to spread out. The better dry fly fishing has been afternoons and into early evening. A few mayflies have been poking around as well as Skwala and Numora. We’re selling tons of bugs at the shop and some of the popular patterns have already sold out. Not to worry though, we have a great selection of Skwala patterns and so far the fish have responded to most of them. Biggest thing is just get a long drift and let the bug hunt. 
No NEW issues on the river to report as of now, be aware of the logs below Tucker Crossing a mile or so and scout out the Islands below Victor bridge, there is an open passage but take a look to find the way.  Always scout out problem areas and keep a sharp eye out for any surprises. Be safe on the water. 
We’ll see ya at the shop. 

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