West Fork Fishing Report 9/28/2024

Posted by Jeff Gray on

As we end the float season on the West Fork, the wade fishing continues to be a great option up here. Over the next few days we will see flows on the West Fork drop to the minimum level (around 70 CFS) and the fish will be stacked into the deeper runs and pools. Some afternoon dry fly fishing can be had but your best bet is to dry dropper or short leash nymph the deeper runs. BWO, Mahogany Duns and October caddis will be fluttering around. Try using a Copper Haze or your favorite BWO to fool the selective feeders, an October Caddis will make the perfect Dry Dropper Set up, using an Orange Elk Hair or Stimi, even a medium sized golden may be mistaken as an Oct Caddis. 

Current Flows: 161 CFS It has been dropping 50 CFS every couple days. 

Fishing Report

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